OSG User School 2023
This was my second year instructing and helping the participants of OSG User School. We had a great applicant pool this year. OSG organinizes this school every year with a goal of teaching the basics of High through Computing, HTCondor
(The Scheduler program) and running computational jobs on OSG

Facts about OSG User School 2023
- It was the 14th OSG User School
- My thrid OSG user school and second time as an instructor. I was the instructor for two courses- Troubleshooting and Self-Checkpointing
- 60 participants in total including 5-6 international participants from
(African Center for Excellence)
Things I enjoyed
- In general I enjoy teaching. This year I got to teach a new course-
self checkpointing
. Preparing the slides and exercises for that helped me gain insight on how it can be applied to my own research work - It’s always a great experience to learn all the great researches. Some of them goes way over my head but every iteraction that I had with the researchers added a new chapter to my knowledge.
- Madison is great in Summer and the Best western Hotel is very nice :blush:
Interested Future Participants
Keep an eye on the OSG page. The announcement for the next school happens usually in the spring.